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Friday, July 28, 2023

Basic programmer

 Basic programmer

A "basic programmer" typically refers to someone who has a basic or introductory level of knowledge and skills in computer programming. The term "basic" here doesn't necessarily mean the programming language BASIC, but rather a beginner or entry-level understanding of programming concepts.

As a basic programmer, one typically has a grasp of fundamental programming concepts such as:

  1. Variables: Understanding how to declare and use variables to store and manipulate data.

  2. Data Types: Knowledge of different data types like integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and booleans.

  3. Control Structures: Ability to use control structures like loops (for, while) and conditional statements (if-else) to control the flow of a program.

  4. Functions/Methods: Understanding how to create and use functions or methods to modularize code and make it more organized.

  5. Input and Output: Basic knowledge of reading input from users and displaying output to the screen.

  6. Debugging: Familiarity with identifying and fixing common programming errors (bugs).

  7. Basic Algorithms and Problem Solving: The ability to solve simple programming problems using algorithms and logic.

  8. Basic Data Structures: Awareness of basic data structures like arrays and lists.

A basic programmer might have experience with simple programming languages like Scratch, Python, JavaScript, or even the classic BASIC language. As they gain more experience and knowledge, they can progress to more advanced concepts and programming languages.

Becoming a proficient programmer often requires practice, continued learning, and working on more complex projects. There are various resources available, such as online tutorials, courses, and coding communities, that can help aspiring programmers improve their skills and advance in the world of programming

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