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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Application Software_ Free Software


Application Software

     Application Software is a set of program designed to perform a specific task. For example application software, for payroll processing produce pay slips and application software for processing examination result produce mark sheets along with some other statically reports.

·         Productivity Software

·         Business Software

·         Entertainment Software

·         Education Software



Productivity Software

                              Productivity software is used to improve the way people do their work. It speeds up the daily routine tasks perform by individuals and terms by elimination the repetitive tasks. Productivity software include word-processing, Spreadsheet, database management and graphic software.

Business Software

                           Business software is used to run business activities. It helps in efficiently running business function of a company. Example of business software are payroll, accentuation, inventory and retail software.

Entertainment Software

                                     Entertainment software is used to entertain people. It includes game audio video player, etc.

Educational Software

                              Educational software is used for learning purpose. Example of educational software are program that teach about human body, working of an entire, solar system, typing, etc.

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