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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Licensed software, open source software, SHAREWARF AND FREEWARE


Licensed software, open source software, SHARE WARF AND FREEWARE

Licensed Software

                        A software licensed is a legal agreement that specifies the terms of use for a computer program. It identify the rights of the software developer and the user. When a person purchased the software, he is allowed to be the software, which means he is not the owner of the software. Generally all the system software and application software is licensed.

     The software licensed deals with the copyright Law. Copyright law prevent illegal copying of computer software. It allow creators of computer software to benefits financially from their software and to retain some control over how it is used.

Open sources software

                                Ti is computer software that is available in the form of source a cube that allow users to study change and improve it .opensoyece softewere is free for inspevtion modification  and distrubition . It allow certain rights which are normally protected by copyright law. Linux operation system is an open sources software.


                      Shareware is given to people free for charge limit time period. After that the expiry time this software should be purchased for further usage. Shareware is a trill version and its facility is limited.


               Freeware is available for use, free of cost. It is usually full version of the software for an unlimited period of time. This software many have restrictions in term use.


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